Smart Village Installation

The SmartGoan Foundation which simply means Smart Village foundation has implemented the first Smart Village in Maharashtra – India.
Chinchani is a small village in Palghar district of Maharashtra is inaugurated by Palghar MP, Mr. Rajedra Gavit. Other dignitaries include Sarpanch Kalpesh Dhodi, Pachayat Samiti Sabhapati Rama Janu Thakaye, District official Mrs. Vipula Save, other panchayat samiti and gram pachayat members.

The Smart Gaon application that is managed by Smart Gaon foundation will help villagers to have all the information about how the village office performs. All the project undertaken by gram panchayat and its progress is managed by this application. This application also provides information on various government schemes and expert advises.

Smart Gaon application comes with Smart Smart where villagers can advertise their goods produced and provide a market to them. It also has a function where jobs in the nearby area will be posted and villagers can make use of it.

Kloden Technologies were proud to be part of this initiative with being business development, implementation and support partner for this project. Kloden Technologies team works with village heads to explain this project and its advantage. Kloden team help prepare presentations and conduct meetings with the village and SmartGoan team. Kloden Technologies team also arrange installation and support services with various data upload.

Kloden Technology not only being just vendor in this project but we have been part of the overall solution and making sure the value is reached to end-users.

To know more about our services and what we can do in software application deployment services, please do write to us – [email protected]