Need for CRM in Annual Maintenance Contract

An annual maintenance contract (AMC) is not just an agreement to manage already sold product but this is about relationship management. The performance of Annual maintenance also brings new sales and referrals. It is proven that the Annual Maintenance contract is a big passive revenue source. 

At Klodentech when we conduct annual maintenance contracts for particular products, we also help our customers achieve the desired performance. It is important that the contract SLA is meet and we use all available tools to make sure that this SLA is achieved.

At Klodentech our Annual Maintenance services product, we use our internal CRM system with the following capabilities and deliverables:

  • Call Logging – From Customer Calls, Emails, messages to ticket generation
  • Call Track – Line item wise status on how the call is moved from Open – Attended – Parts Changed – Solved – Close 
  • Preventive Maintenance Schedule visits 
  • Preventive Maintenance checklist
  • Stock takes / repair inventory management
  • Warranty management
  • Reports (Open calls / Closed calls / SLA etc)
  • Emails / SMS alerts and notifications

About Kloden Technologies: We are leading providers of Sales As A Service product to SME segment where our teams will help you sell products in the Asia Pacific market. We also provide business development consulting, implementation of the product with aggressive project management following comprehensive PMI tools. Kloden Technology also performs Annual Maintenance for a particular product where product principle cannot be on the ground to support it. Remember we are not a consultant to you, we are actually part of your team to perform Sales, Business development, implementation, and support. We are your team.

To know more write to us on – [email protected]