Sales As A Service

At Kloden Technologies when we have started consulting for our customers on Sales, we realized very quickly that most of the entrepreneurs think Sales as Art and communication trade. At Kloden Technologies, we started doing an actual sale for our customers offering “Sales As A Service”. Sales As A Service are different from distributors or agents. Here our representative introduces to end customer as representative of our client. There is no intermediary company that the client needs to work with.

Kloden team works hand in hand with customer’s sales and support teams. Here are some of the deliverables from our Sales As A Service platform.

Business development

Kloden team participates in various events, conclaves, and forums to understand the market requirement and provide monthly deliverables on where the market is going and what are the new trends. Kloden will also maintain the relationship with current customers and understand the need for their business enhancements.

Competitive Research

Kloden’s team does competitive research and keeps providing what are the way the competition is moving and what it means for our customers. This will also be a monthly report or as and when required.

Market Opportunity Identification

Kloden team works with various customer segments, people in the network, and leads from business development to prepare a complete plan for market opportunity. This plan will be base on sales pipeline identification.

Customer Engagement

Kloden team does initial end-customer engagements, discussion with various teams in that organization, create Who’s who list, and prepare a plan for the target end customer. Kloden team hands over this information to management as soon as there is an update. The information on key development will be shared immediately.

Lead to Opportunity Conversion Plan

Kloden team provides a by-weekly plan on lead to opportunity conversion. What needs to be done and what is the current development on a particular lead are regularly shared with customer’s management immediately.

Pre Sales Support

Kloden team provides pre-sales support during the sales cycle of the opportunity. Kloden team helps review responses, guide on what to add and what not to. This will be a complete consulting review on responses so the response will be well crafted. Kloden team also guides customer pre-sales during the actual presentations and response cycles.

RFP Preparation Development

Kloden helps in RFP preparation with each aspect of RFP. The technical response, pointers on the commercial response, identifying third party product requirements, and final RFP submission support will be done by Kloden team if required.

Win Strategy Preparation

Kloden provides Win strategy on each opportunity and lead. This will be a weekly report on what is the status of this customer, what we have done, who is working, what are the next steps, and what we need to win. This will be a weekly report that Kloden will deliver to the customer.

Do write to us at – [email protected] for more information on our Sales as a Service platform as we can help you sell your product.